Insurance Packages

At Europcar Guatemala we are committed to offering you the best car rental service, which is why we put at your disposal a website to book easily, quickly and easily. Do it in a few steps, without so much trouble or confusing information, because we offer you only three insurance packages so you can book with the security of including everything you need to rent cars in Guatemala.

You can consider our prices as “all inclusive”, because the rate you see published already has the basic insurance package, which in turn, includes all the necessary insurance to rent cars in Guatemala.

Our three insurance packages adapt to the needs of different travelers, and as you proceed through the reservation process you can choose the one that best suits your needs, whether you decide to keep the basic insurance package (included in the published rate) or if you choose a superior package to travel Guatemala with better protection: Medium and Premium insurance packages are completely optional, being the choice of customers to choose them. The basic package is already included in the price you see published on our official page for Guatemala.

Car rental with insurance included: insurance packages.

With Europcar Guatemala you completely forget about “what insurance should I add”, “I will have to pay more when picking up the car” or “If I have forgotten to add some important insurance”, our published prices already have the basic insurance package included ( with all the basics and necessary to rent cars in Guatemala), so you do not have to do anything else when booking, being able to keep the basic package or if you prefer, select the Medium or Premium Package.

Learn more about our insurance packages below:

Basic Insurance Package

The basic insurance package that we offer at Europcar Guatemala is designed to avoid messes when picking up the car. With this insurance package, the necessary insurance to rent a car in Guatemala will already be included, so you will know the final price from the first moment and we will avoid surprises when you arrive at your destination.

The Basic Insurance Package includes the three main insurance you need to rent a car in Guatemala; With this package you get:

  • PLI - Liability insurance
  • CDW - Collision and damage insurance
  • THW - Theft insurance

Third-party liability or damage insurance will cover you in the event of causing damage to the rental vehicle to an individual or third party, but does not cover damage to the rented vehicle; With Collision and damage insurance, however, you will be covered in case of damage to the rented vehicle, with a franchise equivalent to 10% of the value of the reserved car; With theft insurance you will also be protected in case of total theft of the vehicle, with a 10% excess.

Medium insurance package

The medium level insurance package will give you more protection during your trip. With the average insurance package, in addition to having the basic package insurance, on your trip you will have:

  • RSA - Road assistance
  • PAI - Occupant Medical Expenses
  • WWI - Crystals and tire

Thus, with the Middle package you will have roadside assistance in case of any situation that may arise, such as running out of fuel or helping you to change a tire (Note that the fuel provided and the repair of the flat tire generate additional charges); With the occupant Medical expenses insurance, your companions will be covered in case of accidents involving the rental car, for injuries or injuries they may suffer (we hope you never have to need to occupy this insurance); Glass and tire protection insurance will keep you covered in case of damage to these parts of the vehicle, with a 20% franchise.

The average level of protection for your trip is not included in the published price, however you can choose it when making your reservation online and the price will automatically be adjusted. The difference is usually not too much compared to the price with basic insurance. In addition, by purchasing the Medium insurance package you reduce the amount of the franchise for the rental car.

Premium insurance package

With the Premium insurance package you will have ample coverage, when you purchase the basic package, medium level insurance and 0% deductible coverage insurance (SPLDW).

Insurance included:

  • Basic package +
  • Medium package +
  • SPLDW - Insurance coverage 0% deductible

Travel fully protected with the premium insurance package and reduce the amount of the Franchise for the rental of the vehicle to a minimum.

This package can be chosen for an additional amount when making the reservation online, adjusting the price so you can book with a final rate, with no worries for additional charges when picking up the vehicle.

What are the benefits of renting a car with our insurance packages?

  • You save more than acquiring insurance separately (individually).
  • You know the final price for the car rental.
  • You know the amount for the franchise.
  • You can choose the level of protection with which you want to travel.
  • Avoid trouble and bad times when picking up the car, the rate published in Europcar Panama is final.
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